Poultry 雞禽

安怡专注保持食品安全和質量的最高標準要求,并在其全球業務中貫徹這一承諾。按照产地和入口国的許可, 安怡擁有滿足不同國際買家複雜而嚴格的要求的資源。安怡開發的全球供應鏈使我們能夠獲得最好的草飼和谷飼牲畜,全年為各個細分市場提供最好的鸡肉,時交付優質產品, 為連鎖超市和客戶的大宗商品運輸提供優質包裝產品。


Anz Delight focuses on maintaining the highest standards of food safety and quality, and implements this commitment in its global operations. According to the license of the origin and importing country, Anz Delight has the resources to meet the complex and strict requirements of different international buyers. The global supply chain developed by Anz Delight enables us to obtain the best grass-fed and grain-fed livestock, provide the best beef to various market segments throughout the year, deliver high-quality products on time, and provide high-quality packaging for the bulk commodity transportation of chain supermarkets and customers product.

Anz Delight offers a full range of poultry products from chicken, hen and turkey. Poultry is still the cheapest form of protein in the world, and is a staple food for families around the world.