Offal / Fancy Meats 雜碎/各式肉类

安怡专注保持食品安全和質量的最高標準要求,并在其全球業務中貫徹這一承諾。按照产地和入口国的許可, 安怡擁有滿足不同國際買家複雜而嚴格的要求的資源。安怡開發的全球供應鏈使我們能夠獲得最好的草飼和谷飼牲畜,全年為各個細分市場提供最好的雜碎/各式肉类,時交付優質產品, 為連鎖超市和客戶的大宗商品運輸提供優質包裝產品。


庞大的供应商基础意味着我们可以根据每个客户的市场需求提供所有类型的内脏并对其进行包装,包括冷藏或冷冻、真空包装、独立包装、分层包装、多层包装或托盘包装. 我们的整个产品均按照当地卫生和检疫部门制定的严格标准,按照严格的卫生法规进行屠宰和准备。

安怡Anz Delight还与进口当局密切合作,以确保产品符合当地进口要求。例如,出口的内脏被证明来自完全不含激素生长促进剂的动物。

Anz Delight focuses on maintaining the highest standards of food safety and quality, and implements this commitment in its global operations. According to the license of the origin and importing country, Anz Delight has the resources to meet the complex and strict requirements of different international buyers. The global supply chain developed by Anz Delight enables us to obtain the best grass-fed and grain-fed livestock, provide the best offals to various market segments throughout the year, deliver high-quality products on time, and provide high-quality packaging for the bulk commodity transportation of chain supermarkets and customers product.

We provide a full range of beef and sheep offal products , include sheep and beef offal including tripe, stomach, tendon, aorta, tail, membrane, pizzle, testis, heart, liver, lung, brain, tongue and kidney. They come from major producing countries, including Australia, New Zealand, Europe, North America, and major South American suppliers in Brazil, Argentina, Chile and Uruguay.

A large supplier base means that we can provide and package all types of offal according to the market needs of each customer, including refrigerated or frozen, vacuum packaging, individual packaging, layered packaging, multi-layer packaging or pallet packaging. We The entire products are slaughtered and prepared in accordance with strict standards set by the local health and quarantine department, and in accordance with strict health regulations.

Anz Delight also works closely with import authorities to ensure that products meet local import requirements. For example, the exported offal proved to be from animals that were completely free of hormonal growth promoters.